Friday, March 20, 2015

Advanced Serve Technique of Tennis

For professional and also beginners in tennis, it is not just a matter of picking up a racket but the vital element is the technique that starts with a simple toss. A great tennis serve is not just about strength it is also inclusive of other important factors.

For a mature and advanced serve the tennis player is expected to do some important steps. To begin the player should hold the ball with the thumb, index finger and the middle finger. Cradle the ball gently rater than squeezing it. Then lower the arm directly in front of you, raise the arm letting go of the ball when your arm is totally extended above your head.

Ensure Gentle Toss
Ensure that the toss is gentle and the ball is at an arm’s length in front slightly off to the right or left depending on which hand is used by the player. The toss should be at least 3 inches high than the vertical reach of the racket and never below it. A high toss makes it even harder and longer to make the serve.

Keep an eye on the ball and be relaxed by rotating the shoulders. Drop the racket on your rear while preparing to complete the rest of the serve. To maintain a rhythmic game remain consistent with the toss, put into mind that a toss is a constant introduction of the frequently changing serves.

Most tennis players bounce the ball to put on a loose mood. Ensure you position yourself just about the baseline prior to every serve. Have a firm grip of the racquet handle. All the grips including the western and eastern grips are commonly used for serves. It is useful to know that a dominant game is through a dominant serve.

Practice Make Perfect
Physical strength also contributes, not forgetting that good and mastered techniques are also beneficial. Constant repetition and practice of a learnt technique is the only way of having a powerful beginning serve and all the subsequent serves. Practice smooth rhythms and build up speed later into the game.

Practicing serving in slow momentums so that as you progress the serves feels and comes naturally, the lesson here is to learn how to channel and transfer all the power of your body into the racket. So the farther your throw the ball in front of you the powerful your serve will be, enhancing and improving the serve.

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